Friday, March 28, 2014

Alternative Therapies For Anxiety

When one suffers extreme anxiety, it can seem like an impossible feat to occupy your mind and body in such a way that the constant fear isn't always present. Alternative therapy in conjunction with counseling can help overcome the constant anxiety. For example, the following article highlights one woman who started knitting as a form of alternative therapy.

Huerta was skeptical at first. Knitting seemed silly -- and difficult for hands she could never seem to keep still. But as she learned to knit and purl, hours melted away. She realized she was no longer focusing on the future, imagining catastrophic things happening to her loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. So true.....I love to focus on creativity which takes my focus off any destructive thought processes. When I get involved in a creative project I know it's my anti-depressant with less side affects plus I love the end result!
