Monday, June 30, 2014

What Weight Watchers Can Teach Addicts

Addicts understand the need to constantly feed the craving, even if it is only mental, so it stands to reason that a weight loss plan can apply to recovery. Some people are legitimately addicted to food, and need all the support that they can get. The following article goes into the theory of how a supportive service like Weight Watchers can help addicts.

Perhaps the most important feature of Weight Watchers is that it isn’t a diet. Weight loss is what draws people to the program, but what keeps them singing its praises is its emphasis on long-term lifestyle change. As important as the weight loss itself is the development of a new relationship with food – one that doesn’t involve using food to cope with feelings. Every aspect of the program, from the food to the fitness plan, is sustainable in the real world.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Methods Of Coping With Adult ADHD

Dealing ADHD may seem frustrating when you are someone who desires to stay off of prescription medication, but there are other resources for treatment. ADHD can prohibit a person from completing necessary tasks, fulfilling job duties, because the process seems too boring. The person may feel like they are not smart enough to complete certain tasks, when in reality they just need to find a strategy. Read this piece on ADHD below for tips on how to manage...

For instance, if the thought that you can’t do something ever arises, make a list of the specific reasons the task feels impossible. Then ask yourself, “If someone offered me a million dollars to do this task, how would I be able to do this?”

How You Can Determine If You Suffer A Phobia

There are many valid phobias, many distinguished by the fact that no one would ever imagine them possible. A phobia is classified as a very real fear of something that poses very little danger. Common phobias include fear of social settings, confined spaces, and social situations. How can you determine that you suffer a phobia? Read the article below for more information on phobias.

What causes a phobia? Brain chemicals, genetics and traumatic experiences influence the development of phobias as well as result in depression and psychosis. Phobias are linked to the amygdala, almond shaped areas in the brain that trigger secretion of hormones that affect fear and aggression.

Social Phobias Are Serious

 Being socially awkward is not the same as suffering a social phobia, though the two often get confused. Social phobias can be majorly debilitating, especially when left untreated. If you recognize any of the symptoms in the following article, contact your therapist today for an effective treatment plan.

A person with social anxiety disorder may avoid eating, drinking, or writing in public because of a fear of being embarrassed by having others see their hands shake. Individuals with social phobia almost always experience symptoms of anxiety — such as heart palpitations, dry mouth, tremors, sweating, gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, muscle tension or trembling, a shaky voice, blushing, and even confusion. In severe cases, a person may experience a full-blown panic attack.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Panic Disorder Explained

 Panic disorders can appear at any time, from childhood to the age of twenty five. Some people are not aware that they suffer from a panic disorder, as there can be over a dozen symptoms that accompany panic attacks. Treatments are not cookie cutter for everyone, and neither are symptoms.
 Most people with panic disorder have “triggers”, and if the condition is left untreated they will usually avoid these triggers. The triggers can be anything from flying a plane to talking on the phone. Avoidance of things that cause panic attacks can be extremely debilitating. Being in therapy helps with triggers, and different approaches are taught to the patient. If the patient does not practice the methods taught in therapy, things can get progressively worse. A therapist should make it very clear to the patient why these exercises or methods are important, and what the expected outcome is.
 How can you tell if you are suffering from a panic attack?
- Shortness of breath
- Heart palpitations
- Excessive sweat
- Shaking
- Sensation of choking
- Chest pain
- Dizzy feeling
- Loss of control
 - Numb or tingling sensation
 - Extreme heat or cold
 - Extreme fear of death
 Panic disorders affect between 3 and 6 million Americans, and women are twice as likely to suffer from it. People who suffer from panic disorders have unexpected panic attacks, so coping with them can be a challenge. It is very important that you contact an experienced therapist or counselor if you experience any of the symptoms a panic disorder, do not try and cope with this on your own.

Smart Phone App May Be Able To Detect Bipolar Mood Shifts

Do you suffer from bipolar disorder? A new app for smart phones may be able to help you detect mood swings, by monitoring the person's voice during phone calls. This is something that could be revolutionary for mental health experts and patients. Read more about this below...

“These pilot study results give us preliminary proof of the concept that we can detect mood states in regular phone calls by analyzing broad features and properties of speech, without violating the privacy of those conversations,” said Zahi Karam, Ph.D, a postdoctoral fellow and specialist in machine learning and speech analysis.

Advances In Addiction Therapy

With addiction therapy, it is important to stay current of recent developments, as each patient requires their own specialized treatment plan. Intensive one on one psychotherapy has been shown to work very well with patients, and it requires a serious commitment. Addiction is constant battle, and it helps to evaluate your current treatment plan, it may be time for a more tailored approach. The article below discusses important advance in addiction treatment.

Why is psychotherapy so important? It allows an individual first to receive support and care in a safe environment and build a trusting therapeutic relationship with someone with the skill to help process the pain or trauma from the past. Addiction rarely develops without archaic pain. In order to live a new life, the addict must work through those issues and gain skills for dealing with future difficult events. In this way, the addict develops tools for living and having important, appropriate intimate relationships with others.

Living With OCD

Almost every television show now has one character with OCD, or they make mention of the condition in passing. It is almost viewed as a joke, with so many people claiming to have OCD, when in fact they are just very organized. Only people who struggle with the constant, crippling condition daily can attest to the severity of living with OCD. The following profile on OCD is written by Janet Singer, and it gives excellent insight into this condition.

Many people learn everything they know about OCD from movies and television shows. While the media has made some progress in how OCD is depicted, I think there is still a lot of room for improvement. I hope they will continue to do better and better. And while it might be difficult for those of us without OCD to truly understand what it is like to suffer from the disorder, we can still acknowledge its severity and support those who are suffering from it.

PTSD Therapy May Reduce Chronic Pain

Military service members and veterans often suffer from chronic pain from injuries, and new research shows a surprising alternative treatment that works. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a growing problem for veterans and service members, and this condition often coincides with chronic pain. The study discussed in the following article revealed that brief PTSD therapy actually reduces chronic pain symptoms.

According to information cited in the study, 70 percent of veterans with chronic pain in the U.S. Veterans Administration system may have PTSD, and up to 80 percent of those with PTSD may also experience chronic pain. Previous studies indicate that individuals suffering from chronic pain report a much lower quality of life and that constant pain may also worsen PTSD symptoms.

Dwayne Johnson Opens Up About Depression

 We as a society need to raise awareness about depression, and it helps to hear from a public figure who has gone through something similar. Dwayne Johnson, known mostly as "The Rock" has opened up about his battle with depression, calling it the absolute worst time of his life. Read more about this story below...

 Johnson said the breakup brought him to an even lower place. "I didn't want to do a thing," he explained of his mental state. "I didn't want to go anywhere. I was crying constantly. Eventually you reach a point where you are all cried out."

See More At US Magazine

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Signs That You May Need Marriage Therapy

Being in a marriage requires certain compromises, but it is still important to maintain autonomy within a partnership. Communication is key in avoiding marriage conflicts, though sometimes it is the things that are unspoken causing issue. Some people wait until the relationship is at its breaking point before trying counseling, but that is not wise, because that is when it is most difficult to communicate honestly with your partner. The article below lists all the ways in which you can determine if you need marriage counseling...

When there are ongoing relationship issues. Every relationship has sticking points or those big-ticket arguments that carry over for months without any kind of resolution in sight. This includes differing views on family finances, incompatible sex drives and child rearing philosophies. These challenges feel impossible, but they can be worked out and both partners can reach a reasonable resolution. Therapists help if both parties are committed to understanding the other's point of view and are willing to find common ground.

PTSD Explained

 Post-traumatic stress is mental disorder that is caused by a tragic event in a person’s life, and can be physically debilitating. Sometimes this disorder can be cause by an event that happened to someone else close to a person, and it affected them in a traumatic way. PTSD can cause flashbacks of sorts, whenever something triggers a memory of the event.
  Many people assume that PTSD is something that only soldiers experience, as it often occurs with people who have witnessed a gruesome or frightening situation. A common misconception is that everyone who witnessed such an event will have a PTSD diagnosis, but that isn’t the case. Victims of interpersonal trauma, such as rape or abuse, are more likely to be diagnosed with PTSD than someone who witnessed a natural disaster firsthand.
  Triggers can occur at any time for any reason, even if a person with PTSD feels that they are over it and have been fine for years. The age activity that keeps long term movies tucked away weakens as we age, so symptoms are likely to resurface later in life. The key to safely processing these triggers is proper therapy and support, and trying to fix it on your own may only make things worse.
  Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has been shown to resolve trauma-related disorders. The idea behind it is that during a tragic event a person’s neurological and cognitive coping mechanisms are inadequately processed. EMDR therapy is used to successfully process traumatic memories and to allow for a patient to develop more adaptive coping mechanisms.

How Flirting Is Different For Sex Addicts

How does flirting affect those with sex addiction? Would you give a beer to an alcoholic, just to hold? Flirting should be a natural component of one's social life, as long as it comes from an innocent or fun place, but this is not the case for sex addicts,at least most of the time. The article below shows how to tell the difference in these behaviors...

The extreme focus on sex goes hand in hand with the sexual objectification of people. If the person has a sexual addiction they will very likely see people in terms of sex to the exclusion of other factors. People are then not really people in the fullest sense (are they happy? Sad? Studious? Kindly? Struggling? Instead they are seen as objects of sexual utility. If the sex addict attributes any inner life to the person they are looking at it will usually be some fantasy or projection about that person’s sexuality.

What To Say To Someone Who Suffers From Depression

How do you deal with depression in loved ones? Do you ignore the symptoms, hoping that a happy distraction will do the trick? What is the best thing to say to someone who suffers from depression? The following article answers these questions.

One thing all writing manuals say is SHOW don’t TELL. Words aren’t all that helpful to a person struggling with depression. Because let me speak from experience… almost everything she hears will somehow be twisted to sound like an insult. Every suggestion — St. John’s Wort? Organic apples? Yoga?–are going to come off as: You are doing something terribly wrong and this is all your fault.

Relationship Problems Better Viewed From A Third Party Perspective

When a friend comes to you with a relationship issue, it can be difficult to refrain from sharing an opinion about the situation, especially when asked for it. Do you apply the same advice to your own relationship? New research suggests applying thoughts of another person's relationship to your own situation for a positive outcome.
“We call the bias Solomon’s Paradox, after the king who was known for his wisdom, but who still failed at making personal decisions.” Grossmann and Ethan Kross, Ph.D., from the University of Michigan asked study participants, all of whom reported being in monogamous romantic relationships, to reflect on a relationship conflict.

Flooding In Colorado May Trigger PTSD

For those living in areas prone to natural disasters like flooding, take note of the following article. This article suggests that victims of floods in Colorado may experience PTSD after the damage, or it may trigger PTSD in those who already suffer from it. Read more about this finding below...
For some people it can be a delayed onset. For other people, maybe they felt OK through that first set of floods and now that they're hearing the news and seeing images of all of the new flooding, that's when it may be bringing up a whole lot of anxiety for them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Study Shows Children Suffer PTSD Over Boston Bombings

New studies show that children near the finish line during the Boston bombings are dealing with PTSD. This can be difficult with treatment as children are not often able to express themselves clearly. The research also found that children exposed to the media coverage of the bombing were even more likely to experience PTSD. Read more below...

"There was an enormous mental health toll associated with direct exposure," Jonathan S. Comer, a child trauma expert who led the research, told NBC News. "And there also was a toll with kids exposed to the manhunt, which was an unfolding and uncontained situation that lasted much longer than the bombing itself."