Our staff is experienced in assisting clients suffering from a variety of disorders. The areas of care our clinicians specialize in are as follows: couples and relationship issues, such as communication impediments, infidelity, and recurrent conflict management difficulties; compulsive behaviors, such as sexual compulsiveness, workaholism, and serial relationships; working with individuals with histories of trauma and abuse; and mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression.Souza’s attempts to get clean read like a rap sheet: 16 times in detox, six times in a half-way house, and three times in the women’s step-down unit — she currently resides at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources.
Monday, March 31, 2014
More Women Suffer From Drug Addiction Than Ever Before
Does Low Self-Esteem Affect Likelihood Of Depression?
The only way to disentangle the highly related concepts of self-esteem and depression is through longitudinal research, in which people are followed up over time. A study on depression, conducted by University of Basel researchers Julia Sowislo and Ulrich Orth, contrasted the competing directions of self-esteem to depression vs. depression to self-esteem.
What To Ask Your Future Therapist
Our staff is experienced in assisting clients suffering from a variety of disorders. The areas of care our clinicians specialize in are as follows: couples and relationship issues, such as communication impediments, infidelity, and recurrent conflict management difficulties; compulsive behaviors, such as sexual compulsiveness, workaholism, and serial relationships; working with individuals with histories of trauma and abuse; and mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression.What kind of training have you had in couple therapy? Some therapists may mention specific conferences or workshops they’ve attended. Others may point to certification programs they’ve completed post-graduation. A therapist’s response to this question will tell you whether their work with couples is something they have invested time and energy in developing, or simply something they offer as a general part of their overall practice.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Alternative Therapies For Anxiety
Huerta was skeptical at first. Knitting seemed silly -- and difficult for hands she could never seem to keep still. But as she learned to knit and purl, hours melted away. She realized she was no longer focusing on the future, imagining catastrophic things happening to her loved ones.
Is EMDR Therapy For You?
Research has also indicated that medically unexplained physical symptoms, including fatigue, gastrointestinal problems and pain can also go along with this disorder. Anyone suffering from PTSD can benefit from EMDR therapy.
Psych Central
Feeling Numb
Gateway Counseling
Don't Wait Too Long
Gateway Counseling
The Ugly Truth
Gateway Counseling
Christian Couples Counseling
Gateway Counseling
Couple Counseling
Gateway Counseling
Examining Sex Addiction
Dr. Reid said, “It’s not that a lot of people don’t take sexual risks from time to time or use sex on occasion to cope with stress or just escape, but for these patients, it’s a constant pattern that escalates until their desire for sex is controlling every aspect of their lives and they feel powerless in their efforts to change.”
Dealing With Grief
What are the things people lose in life? The first thing that usually comes to mind is the death of a friend or loved one. Death is a huge loss, and one that seems so permanent – it steals all hope of seeing that person again. However, death is not the only loss life holds, nor is it always the most challenging loss to overcome. There is the loss of health through a chronic illness that changes a life forever.
Psychology Of Superiority
Psychology is the study of the human mind and emotions. A more literal translation of the word would be “a study of the human spirit or soul.” There seems to be something innate in all people that consider their group superior to other groups. If this feeling could be changed to one of more acceptance of those who are different from us, what a better world this would be.